
Ye Olde Antique & Curiosity Shop

134 Main Street, Flemington

Phone: 908-310-1995

Website: facebook.com


Fat Farm Antiques

134 Main Street, Flemington

Phone: (908) 455-6655

Website: facebook.com


The Corner

52 Main Street, Flemington

Phone: 908-854-3166

Website: thecornerflemington.com

Kingwood Township

Horseshoe Bend Preserve

Horseshoe Bend Road, Frenchtown

Website: hunterdonlandtrust.org

Holland Township

Holland Highlands Preserve

Shire and Anderson Roads, Holland Township

Website: hunterdonlandtrust.org

Kingwood Township

Copper Creek Preserve

173 Spring Hill Road, Frenchtown

Website: hunterdonlandtrust.org


Flemington Ghost Walk

37 Stangl Rd, Flemington

Phone: 908-824-7186

Website: flemingtonghostwalk.com